The Environmental Professionals of Color Network is a growing community of leaders of color across the USA at work on a vast array of critical environmental issues.
EPOC members are galvanized by a vision of an inclusive, equitable and relevant environmental movement. The challenge we face today is also a great opportunity: diversifying environmental organizations while effectively connecting people of color to the environmental movement will enrich the work as well as strengthen the movement politically, financially and culturally.
Development of the EPOC network helps to ensure that the groundswell of activity across the nation does not happen in isolated pockets, but contributes to a comprehensive and strategic path forward.
EPOC members are galvanized by a vision of an inclusive, equitable and relevant environmental movement. The challenge we face today is also a great opportunity: diversifying environmental organizations while effectively connecting people of color to the environmental movement will enrich the work as well as strengthen the movement politically, financially and culturally.
Development of the EPOC network helps to ensure that the groundswell of activity across the nation does not happen in isolated pockets, but contributes to a comprehensive and strategic path forward.